An interesting story about this struggle has been growing out of Vermont. In 2007, Vermont enacted a law to restrict how Big Pharma uses information bought from pharmacies. These restrictions only applied to Big Pharma marketing. According to §4631 (see Vt. Stat. Ann., Tit. 18, §4631), pharmaceutical companies are forbade from buying prescriber identifiable data for the purpose of marketing. Statute 4631 is meant to prevent a tactic called detailing and the manipulation of drug costs and prescriptions. Data mining companies, as well as pharmaceutical industries and many other agencies, claimed the law infringed on the Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard the case in April 2011 and a decision was handed down on June 23rd 2011. (Outline of case here) (Decision outlined here)
In the end, Vermont lost the case of Sorrell, Attorney General of Vermont, et al. vs IMS Health Inc., et al.
Justice Kennedy of SCOTUS wrote,
“Vermont argues that its prohibitions safeguard medical privacy and diminish the likelihood that
marketing will lead to prescription decisions not in the best interests of patients or the State. It
can be assumed that these interests are significant. Speech in aid of pharmaceutical marketing,
however, is a form of expression protected by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.
As a consequence, Vermont’s statute must be subjected to heightened judicial scrutiny.
The law cannot satisfy that standard. “
I will define a few key vocabularies so that we can fully appreciate the case and the verdict. First, when doctors write a prescription, the patient goes to the pharmacy. It is then the pharmacy’s responsibility to record the prescription, including the drug, the dose, and even the name of the prescribing doctor. This info identifies the doctor and what the doctor prescribed. In many states, this info can be legally sold by pharmacies as prescriber-identifiable (PI) data. Many times, the data is sold to data mining companies, such as IMS Health. Data mining is the detailed sorting and analysis of the information. Mined data is a valuable source of information for many purposes, such as clinical research and marketing. The mining companies can then be turned around and sell this precious info to other businesses and agencies, such as pharmaceutical companies. And so to reiterate, Vermont statute 4631 was created to prohibit pharmaceutical companies from purchasing this data for marketing, while other forms of use by other groups was allowable.

However, companies that mine the data and agencies that use the data claimed that the restriction was an unfair discrimination and infringed on the right to Freedom of Speech. In this context, the respondents (IMS Health, et al.) claimed that communication and therefore speech was being restricted unfairly due to assumed interests and actions of the pharmaceutical industry. SCOTUS agreed with IMS Health in the case.
Each side had several major supporters (see the list and the briefs written by the groups at the Vermont Office of the Attorney General). Supporters of §4631 argue that limiting Big Pharma protects patient identifiable data that could be backtracked by the PI data and prevents the manipulation of the medical system of prescription. Opponents of §4631 question the legality of the reason for limiting Big Pharma and worry that the statute could lead to limiting other groups as well.
On example is clinical research. Clinical researchers routinely use data from pharmacies and hospitals to evaluate efficacy of drugs and benefits of therapies. The data goes into the planning process of new clinical trials so that clinicians are not constantly reinventing the clinical wheel by repeating work that was already done. To reduce the waste of unnecessary repetitive clinical trials, many believe it would behoove the general public to allow clinicians access to PI data, which could give valuable information in the types of prescriptions being used in the public and how it might impact therapeutic approaches. If Big Pharma is restricted from using PI data because of a negative assumption then a door may to opened to enable the restriction of many groups, including clinical research.
On the other hand, Big Pharma is big business. Billions of dollars are used annually to market and manage the drugs doctors already prescribe. Big Pharma routinely encourages brand name pharmaceuticals even when generic versions are available. By allowing access to PI data, many groups argue that we are allowing Big Pharma access to a very direct form of info for marketing groups to specifically and more efficiently target doctors. Even though the doctors have the final say in what they prescribe, Big Pharma could dramatically influence their decision and foster a system where the patient’s best interest isn’t the highest priority and public health is second to the quest for higher profit.
Overall, SCOTUS decided that the state of Vermont could not restrict the use of legally obtained information for only Big Pharma companies. Simply put, IMS Health argued that you can’t restrict just one group from an otherwise open and legal system – that’s discrimination and it’s unconstitutional. This case was a benchmark for many questions and cases to come as legislation starts to tackle healthcare in the US as a major issue. Several policy programs are centered on assessing current treatment and therapies and the accessibility of database information to clinicians, which returns us to similar questions of who should have access to what kinds of information.
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